



Image credit: Featured : Sandy Daly | Photograph : Pier Carthew


Burrinja & THE RABBLE present


Fri 25 & Sat 26 Oct 7.00pm | Burrinja Theatre

WAKE is a performance installation by powerhouse experimental theatre makers THE RABBLE, created with an ensemble of older women from the Yarra Ranges.

Part party, part surreal vaudeville show, part conversation and part town hall meeting, WAKE asks audiences to consider the difficult and taboo discussions around aging but also celebrates the gloriousness of these spectacular older women. WAKE embraces connection, the rituals we inhabit as we age and the spaces where we feel most comfortable.

Exploring the ever-increasing hostility towards women’s bodies particularly for older people, WAKE features acts of artistic courage created by the participating women, featuring anything from a ukulele solo to a professional wrestling bout; a Shakespeare monologue to a political speech. In an age of dislocation, WAKE is a work of solidarity.

Come and join us for an evening of art and celebration.

The performance on Sat 26 October will have Auslan interpretation.

Duration: 60-75 mins
Age suitability: at parental discretion
Content warnings: mature themes, potential nudity, mild coarse language. This event contains strobe and flashing lights, sudden loud noises and will be presented in low lighting. The performance contains references to sex, death, the process of ageing, euthanasia and mental health, as well as representations of death.

View the WAKE trailer HERE (footage from Hobsons Bay season, 2023)

Tickets - $19 ~ $35

Encore tickets - $24.50


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