




Amy LB- Stay and Play





Burrinja Foyer

Burrinja Kids Stay and Play

Amy Laker Bruni
Rainbow Rain and Mythical Creatures

Amy Laker Bruni is a Resident Artist at Leaf Studios, Kallista and creator & designer of label Lillbeart.

Amy’s motto is, “Life is all about having FUN…”
And laughing. Dreaming. Exploring. Feeling. Creating. Experimenting. Challenging. Enjoying.

"As adults sometimes those moments are far and few between, and it is not until we have children come into our lives that we remember how to simply be and feel the purity of life again. Those fleeting moments of joy and delight or the capacity to envelope oneself in sensation allows the connection to our inner child, or for the young to express on an emotional level how visually and textually their senses are stimulated.

My leaf rainbow with rainbow rain aims for you to discover the fun of immersing yourself in a hyperreal magical place. Walk through, run through, pause in the middle, close your eyes, run your hands around, feel the ‘rain’ on your face." Amy Laker Bruni


Burrinja Arties

Burrinja Arties

The Burrinja Arties are a group of local people mostly living in supported residential accommodation who meet weekly with Creative Arts therapist Lynette Forrest to produce unique artworks that tell their story. The program is designed to help expand social support for those who are ‘at risk of homelessness’.

These sessions are the highlight of the artists’ week and their annual exhibition gives the group and the works they create visibility and recognition in the community. It is an arts-based skills and learning program with an emphasis on active cultural participation that enriches understandings of community and culture, while teaching art techniques and socialisation skills.

This year the Arties have tackled the concept of ‘A Whisper and Flutter, and the Butterfly Effect. This has been through both performance and visual art making and exhibiting. The ‘Butterfly Ball’ was a full participatory event held in July 2015 with the Arties hosting many others with songs, performances, dance and most of all, fun! From there, they continued to work with mentor artists toward their exhibition 'A Whisper and a Flutter' in October 2015.

A feature article on the Arties in the Foothills publication clearly made the connection between this program and positive outcomes for mental well-being. The program ‘challenges the participants to take positive risks by trying new activities, learning with artist mentors, exhibiting, performing, and more!
- LYNETTE FORREST | Creative Arts Therapist

Program Funding provided by the Department of Health.



Burrinja Kids - Stay and Play Page

Burrinja Kids - Stay and Play

Burrinja aims to be a welcoming environment for families to engage with the arts in a practical and affordable way, throughout the year. Developed by Burrinja in collaboration with local artists, ‘Burrinja Kids… Stay and Play!’ is an exciting initiative that invites children and families to engage with art through a range of hands-on activities. The program celebrates the Burrinja exhibition program by creating interactive avenues to ignite the imagination and creativity of our young patrons.

A quarterly rotation of family focused activities inspired by the Burrinja main gallery exhibition program will be made available in the Burrinja foyer between usual opening hours, Wednesday to Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm.




Contents Under Pressure


16 May - 28 June


Burrinja Gallery

Contents Under Pressure:
Stencil Art in Australia from 2003 - 2010

The last decade saw the rise of a new art form as thousands of aerosol based stencil paintings appeared in Melbourne’s laneways. Melbourne became known as ‘stencil capital’. Before long stencil art evolved and moved from the street into the gallery.

Showcasing over 200 works from private collections by key artists including Psalm, Phibs, Haha, Meek, Meggs, Rone, Ghostpatrol, Satta among others this exhibition presents the formative period of one of Australia’s most dynamic art movements.

Curated by JD Mittmann, director of the Melbourne Stencil Festival 2004 - 2008.

During the exhibition come along to Guided Tours with Melbourne Stencil Festival director JD Mittmann, join local artists Hugo Racz, Amy Middleton and Brit Westaway creating murals and stencils in Burrinja's Studio 5 and engage with Jacqui Grace's Kids Corner activities.

Stencil Poster Competition

Burrinja invites everyone to create their own stencils posters - print out the poster template here or pick one up at the show, photocopy it, enlarge it, reduce it and repeat it however you like, put your stencil on it and post it up!
Share photos of your finished poster on Instagram with the hashtag #burrinjastencilexhibition
Send us a photo of your pasted poster to competitions@burrinja.org.au, the best poster /location will win a copy of ‘Bomb It! Street Art is Revolution’ directed by filmmaker Jon Reiss.

More Info

Friends of the Hills by Emily Lowe - Stay and Play 2023

burrinja presents

Friends of the Hills | Emily Lowe 

Stay n' Play

MAY - JULY | Burrinja Foyer


A celebration of the iconic and beautiful flora and fauna of the Dandenong Ranges is coming to Burrinja’s Foyer. Through a new interactive art installation ‘Friends of the Hills’, artist Emily Lowe has created a space to enjoy what our local flora and fauna consists of through meditative colouring for all ages.

In a truly immersive experience, see how the worlds of nature and art collide to connect and gain a better understanding of the things we care about.

Emily is a resident studio artist of burrinja’s Aerie Creative ecology and enjoys capturing the beauty and essence of the local landscape through painting.

Instagram: @emilylowefinearts

Facebook:  Emily Lowe fine arts




Helen Pallikaros: Within, without


12 June - 12 July


Jarmbi Gallery

Helen Pallikaros: Within, without

Burrinja City of Dandenong's Walker St Gallery She…2014 Award winner Helen Pallikaros’ solo exhibition Within, without showcases a body of her work developed over the past five years. From fleeting moments of sculptural encounter to deeper engagements with image, form and materiality, Pallikaros investigates the realm of body and the psychological landscape.

In her practice Pallikaros uses drawing, collage, sculpture, performance and photography to consider the relationship between the human emotive and psychological conditions and our animalistic, primal origins.


Julie Konda- Stay and Play




Burrinja Foyer


Burrinja Kids Stay and Play free family activity by local artist Julie Konda

Disco Inflato invites you to tune out of the world for a short time. Grab a set of headphones, get comfy in a disco chair and enjoy listening to some fun, family friendly pop music and classic tracks.  It’s your very own private disco - in between your ears!  Of course, sitting can be tricky when listening to catchy, toe tapping pop tunes - so feel free to get up and dance too!

More about Burrinja Kids - Stay and Play


Kaleidoscopic Dreamscapes by Elizabeth Gleeson - Stay and Play 2024

Image credit: Elizabeth Gleeson, 'Kaleidoscopic Dreamscapes', 2024


burrinja presents

Kaleidoscopic Dreamscapes | Elizabeth Gleeson

Stay n' Play

JUL - SEP 2024 | Burrinja Foyer

Kids will discover with delight the magic that occurs when imagery is reflected and repeated via a large, interactive kaleidoscope. Kids can select and change which images to place in the end of the kaleidoscope, then crank the handle to rotate and experience the visual magic unfolding together through the viewing portal.

Muralist and fine artist Elizabeth Gleeson, has built her art practice on this premise, herself delighted with the element of discovery occurring when imagery is reflected and repeated. Combining sprawling botanicals, motifs and vivid colours in consciously patterned arrangements, she creates works of serene symmetry and intricate beauty.

Instagram: @elizabeth.gleeson.artist


Kids on Tour- Stay and Play 2018



8 - 28 JAN 2018


Burrinja Foyer

Burrinja Kids Stay and Play
NGV Kids on Tour 2018

Take part in a range of free activities at Burrinja and discover the fun of contemporary art and design.

This summer, here at Burrinja, enjoy our annual NGV Kids on Tour activities. Featured for all of January, new creative opportunities will be offered each week, including:







Inspired by the current NGV Exhibitions: FIONA HALL: UNEASY SEASONS and NGV TRIENNIAL

More about Burrinja Kids - Stay and Play


Kids on Tour- Stay and Play 2023

burrinja presents

NGV Kids on Tour 2023

Let's Make Art

JAN-FEB | Burrinja Foyer


Get creative this summer with NGV Kids on Tour!

The theme for this year’s program is Let’s Make Art! The activities on offer share the methods of working invented by some of the leading European artists featured in the exhibition The Picasso Century which ran from June to October 2022. Artists such as Georges Braque, Remedios Varo, Pablo Picasso, and Natalia Goncharova lived and worked in Paris in the early twentieth century and are recognised for their innovative and experimental approaches to making art.


All ages Create your own sculpture by turning a set of shapes into a three-dimensional tabletop structure.


All ages Experiment with colour and shape as you cut and paste to make a colourful collage.


All ages Draw a portrait of a special person in your life and then write a poem about them by remembering the things they say.


All ages Work together with friends and draw your own surrealist creature

Kids Stay and Play - Tam McLeish



August - October 2016


Burrinja Foyer

Burrinja Kids Stay and Play

Created by Tamara McLeish of ArtTreeCreations

We all love colour & our 3 beautiful animal friends need your help. During the cold winter season they have all lost thier colour, spring is coming & they want to get their colourful bodies back. Colour makes us happy, it can influence our day & can make us creative.

Choose a feather or a scale from the picture (they are attached with velcro) make it as colourful as possible & add a little design to personalise it. Pop it back onto the picture then invite your friends to help out with the rest.


Not Just for Christmas - Stay and Play 2023

burrinja presents

Not Just for Christmas | Leticia Hodson

Stay n' Play

FEB - MAY | Burrinja Foyer


Getting a new pet for Christmas is exciting but it’s a big job for a family. Luckily kids can help out with jobs like feeding, bathing and training your new pet. 

Come and meet the Puppy Marionettes and help look after them in Burrinja’s new play space created by pet portrait artist Leticia Hodson.

Using left over plastic bottles and cardboard from Christmas, Leticia has created marionette puppets in a pet’s paradise for kids to play, explore and look after our new additions to the studio family. Walk them in the park, train them to sit and give them bath in the foyer of Burrinja this February.

Leticia is a resident artist of the Aerie Creative Ecology producing realistic pets portraits in acrylic on paper 

Facebook: @artbyleticia

Instagram: @pet_portraits_by_leticia

Web:  artbyleticia.com 




Orly Faye: The Gaia Collection


8 May - 7 June


Jarmbi Gallery

Orly Faya : The Gaia Collection

Orly Faya is an Australian born, International artist and traveller of twelve years who has delved deeply into the realm of mimetism within body painting and photography over the last 18 months.

Painting human bodies into the various landscapes around the globe, Orly's message is clear: We came from the earth, are of the earth, and will return to the earth. It is time to remember who we are and recognise the importance of honouring our harmonious existence.

Orly's debut exhibition is a celebration of creation itself, sharing the stories of the artworks, organic collaborations with Mother Earth in all her spontaneous glory and the people who stand to merge, their strength and determination within intensity beyond explanation. You are invited to share this special debut occasion and take the opportunity to connect with Orly's unique pieces, presented to a live audience for the first time ever. 

Exhibition opening Saturday 9 May at 2pm

Creation's Calling -Collaborating for Sustainability
Friday 22 May at 7pm

An evening of celebrating humanity's connection to the earth through creative expression.

Kevisato Duncan Sanyü Meyasetsu from The Wilderness Society sharing the amazing work they do and why they do it...

Liana Perillo on the Harp, Bloodwood - Elle Plume Reika Sroyphet & Cassie, + more Local Acts from the Dandenong!

LIVE BODY PAINTING - Orly Faya Snir and Serra Stone

Marija Heart ♥, Shoshana Sadia, Justine Walsh, Orly Faya, AND MORE...!

Chick here for more info on The Gaia project


Renate Crow- Stay and Play




Burrinja Foyer

Skin Side Out. Renate Crow

Burrinja Kids Stay and Play free family activity by local artist Renate Crow

You are invited to look at some shapes we make with our bodies. Where does that bit go in between when we connect with someone, when we thumb wrestle or Hi five. That bit in between, see inside this hidden place imprinted on silicone pieces, look closely at the textures.

What patterns do our bodies have, match up the pieces, where are they from. See if you can find the belly button!

Capture yourself, what impression will you leave in the sand?

Draw your hand shape on the community canvas and see how many we get in 3 months. 
(Parents are encouraged to photograph the impressions in the sand and canvas to take home.)

More about Burrinja Kids - Stay and Play


The Wonder WigWam - Stay and Play

The Wonder WigWam, Amy Middleton 




Burrinja Foyer

The Wonder WigWam - Amy Middleton & Dave Thompson

Burrinja Kids Stay and Play free family activity by local artists 

The Wonder Wigwam is an interactive visual and sound installation for children and families. Created as a catalyst for imaginary play, The Wonder Wigwam uses books, environment and sensory triggers to evoke imagination and wonder. It brings together elements of an outdoor dwelling that includes a wigwam constructed from wood, fabric and found materials, interactive lighting, a soundscape, and a range of books for children to enjoy that directly engages with theme of imaginary contemplation/play and idea generation. Illustrative books that do not include text will also be included for those who find reading difficult due to age or language barriers. The installation will include a soundscape made in collaboration with local sound artist Dave Thomson. The purpose of the soundscape is to offer our participants sensory triggers that support the idea of an outdoor environment. The natural environment of the Dandenong Ranges plays a large role in the conceptual development of Dave's art practice which compliments the outdoor theme of The Wonder Wigwam.

More about Burrinja Kids - Stay and Play


Totem Cave by Skubz Mope & Macarena Ocea - Stay and Play 2023

burrinja presents

Totem Cave | Skubz Mope & Macarena Ocea

Stay n' Play

AUG - NOV 2023 | Burrinja Foyer


Come and explore the Totem Cave, where mysterious monuments to strange and bizarre creatures are waiting to be discovered. Some lay in pieces just waiting for someone to help rebuild them, maybe you can help? Leave your mark and create your own Totem Mask to put on display in the cave for future explorers to discover (or take it home as a keepsake of your adventures!) The Totem Cave is a place of mystery and adventure, created by resident artists Skübz Mope and Macarena Ocea.

Instagram: Skubz Mope @skubzmope

Instagram: Macarena Ocea @macarenathreads












